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A powerful generator is a great thing to bring along on any outing, it whether you go camping, hiking, on your yacht or if you are unlucky to have a power cut in your home.

We are so used to have all our electronic with us and gets lost if we can’t communicate and get in touch with the rest of the world, but those devises are as well great tools for us, if we get lost, we can get help, but when we are out there it is so easy to forget time, and many times we will have a run out Phone, Laptop, GBS or radio.

With the generator at hand, we can charge those devices, in our tent we can have some light, we can do some cooking, and live more or less like at home.

In need of a solar powered generator for your outings?

Well, we normally will go out when the weather is nice, but it can turn around and we may lack the sun, then you have the possibility to charges it from your car, and you can make sure it is fully charged before leaving your home form a socket in your house. Always remember the more sun the better and another factor is the temperature, the colder the longer it takes for charging.

It is important to keep in mind to put the panels in the sun, and in a place so they will stay in the sun throughout the day.

This generator gives you the freedom to make your morning coffee in your electric coffee machine, and you can use your laptop, watch TV, use you Mobil, you have the privileges to use the light in the evening and night, almost like home, as well as you can plunge your fridge into it.

It is ideal for long time camping or on your yacht, no need to be in the marina but in beautiful sunny weather it is lovely to throw the anchor and enjoy the elements, it doesn’t make a lot of noise.

I think it is a good buy, it has very good ratings: 4,8 stars out of 5 stars, and all is included, if you are browsing for solar powered generators be aware, because of most of them come without the solar panel which means an extra cost.