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Solar Energy is not only for decorating but can be a very useful tool as well, even it is for a normal farm, and not only for commercial, I remember in my childhood how my Dad from time-to-time struggle with the fence for the calves, it had to be with electricity, in order to hold them inside the fencing, and normally one touch of the wiring, and the calves would remember forever, and not get any near to it again.

But farmland is not always situated close to the house where you will have the main supply for electric fencing, and here comes the solar solution in, solar energy charger for the wiring, no need to have the sun every day, it can go on for days without sun, and in this Set, I have included wiring and grounding kit, so you have it all in one.

But the most impotent is the solar charger, and the one I suggest here is affordable, it will support the wiring for the length of 10 miles of electric fencing, and can go up to 2 weeks without sun, but before you put it out, switch it on the position: OFF and leave it in the sun for 72 hours then it is ready.

It comes with built-in mounting bracket for T-posts, Y-posts, and round-wood posts, and there is fence status control built in, so it is easy to see if it works. It is easy montage on fence or a wall, the box measure: 11.5 x 8 x 11.25 inches and don’t forget to ground your fence or it will not work.

This one is very useful in a remote area and easy to handle, a great protector for your short hair animals like: horses, cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, it keeps the wild animals out as well from your livestock.

It has good ratings and come with a one-year warranty.

You will need a grounding kit for your fencing, and I found one for you, it has good ratings, easy instructions, easy to montage, it includes: 3 -Grounding rods 3- 1/2″ Grounding rod clamps 1-50′ Grounding wore.

It has good ratings and is affordable.

The wiring is very important and it must be in a material which will withstand the weather and last for years to come, and be able to reuse, this one is1312 Ft and an extra free of charge 328 Ft, it is made with a diameter of 1/16″from 6 inter-woven stainless-steel strands, it is rust resistant as well as UV resistant and won’t become brittle over time.

The light weight material makes it easy to install, do any cutting, repair if necessary and rewind, it useful in windy conditions in the countryside. It has good rating and is affordable.