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I can’t remember when I first saw anything with solar energy, it most have been lamps, but I do remember my husband and I wanted to surprise my parents so we jammed 10 stakes, white light into the ground in the flowerbed; without them notice what we were doing and big was their surprise when it turned dark and the light came alive; they loved them and cared for them, so they lasted for some years. Since then they always had some sort of solar light around the garden.




And I love mine, I have had a number of different types of lamps or light, some flowers, which are good for the environment no need to water them and they stay pretty the year around, decorative around the pool area or mixing them with my normal plants.

Butterflies are lovely and I have had quite a number of them, but unfortunately, they seem to lose the color on the wings as time goes by, though they still work.


As I like colors in my garden I have lots of round big bulbs which I can put individually and they change the color, and I have some which are in a sting with different colors: red, yellow, blue and withe, I have fastened them under the branches of a tree, oh yes, I love the sight of them all, and a friend of mine references my outdoor and garden as a “fairy tale garden”.


There are a lot of cute lamps and other designs with solar light if you like fairy tales feel free to take a look at those on my site or get inspiration for another décor, but there are many useful items as well, I’m thinking of solar panels for charge your mobile, a backpack for hiking with solar panels, lamps you can control via your mobile or remote control, generators, electric fencing, animal repellent water sprinkler among others.


I have those you put in the ground for guiding, useful when entering nighttime, and plenty of stakes with white light, and 2 with red spots pointing on the wall. And over the gate, I have solar light so it is easy to unlock it in the dark and those lights work year-round.


But the cutest item I have seen, so far, is the bug hotel with small solar bees.





Yes, the solar light is my passion, and will you believe me when I tell you I have about 170-180 of them around my garden and yard? if not, feel free to come around and count:)