DIY Solar Fairy Light Garden Kit for Children

DIY Solar Fairy Light Garden Kit for Children

I came across this ideal DIY Set of a Fairy garden house, great fun for the kids to assemble their own toys or with help of parents, you get all that you need for an adorable solar-powered Fairy garden house and stones, at no extra cost, no wiring and battery included, this Set has great ratings. I like solar energy is used in toys; I think it is good for kids to learn about alternative energy from a young age.

How to make Solar Light Lanterns Mason Jars

How to make Solar Light Lanterns Mason Jars

It is not difficult to make solar light lanterns of Mason Jars, it is fun and a great project to take up with your kids, I suggest an adult is helping because there will be the use of a Hobby knife and scissors, but other ways it is kid-friendly and Eco-friendly, I will walk you through how to do it, step by step and there is a video to go with it. It is inexperience, the lanterns can be used year-round, with no wiring and no extra cost on the electricity bill.